About Us

About Us

The School owes its foundation to the memory of late Shri OP Agrawal, His vision was to nurture innocent children's total development in every manner: creative , communicative, emotional , physical , aesthetic and spiritual, to give a good and a bright future to the country. OPA World School, Co-educational day school with a view to offering top-class educational opportunities in the Baswan, Aligarh Region. The aim is to make them successful not only in life but also conscious of their duties and responsibilities towards their fellow citizens. It is with this vision that OPA World School was established in 2025.
Every day, all our efforts are focused on making OPA World School, Beswan Aligarh a happy school, where teaching is a pleasure and learning is a joy. A school that prepares children to identify their interest early on and develop them into their passion. A school that makes them believe in themselves and think big. A school that inspire them to 'Dare to Dream ...and...Discover to Design Future' and orients them to be a life long learner. Our caring and committed teachers are our pillars of strength. They teach our children not just with their minds but with their hearts, making learning enjoyable and rewarding and instilling in children sound values and attributes.

Mission & Vision

The Mission of OPA World School is striving to provide Best class education to children with respect for individual differences and community values. Our objective is to help the children escape the bonds of poverty and hopelessness by providing education, life skills, values and a caring environment that will empower them to successfully move into the mainstream of society.

It is our vision to be the best and excel in the field of education so as to produce truly capable, independent and responsible citizens who would be leaders in their professional fields and would effectively lead the society. Creation of a moral and ethical environment in which students shall learn to respect each and all. Through challenges and discipline they will learn to take responsibilities of their own lives and be of service to their environment